Birfen Electric – Electronics; It keeps Business Health and Safety as Continuous and Excuseless Pre-Planda. To meet all legal and other obligations related to occupational health and safety, to adopt the principle that occupational health and safety improvement activities are the collective responsibility of all employees, to set goals for participation at all levels in risk assessment and risk reduction activities, to continually improve our occupational health and safety culture ” Zero Work Accident “.
On behalf of the continuity of the work, an OSH Management System was established that meets the requirements of OHSAS 18001 management system. In all our activities, legal regulations regarding occupational health and safety are observed. In order to ensure the health and safety of all our employees, trainings are organized in accordance with the necessary legal regulations. In our work areas we are working on identifying and eliminating factors that may lead to occupational accidents and occupational diseases. Work is being done to measure the performance of the OHS management system and to improve performance.
We work with our beliefs that all business accidents and occupational diseases can be prevented by providing our A, B, C class experts, workplace physicians, OHS Board members, field officers, employees and suppliers to all processes. We constantly improve ourselves and act according to the above principles.